Reply: It's starts from the moment they walk in. Tell prospects everything!

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Omg. I love this. I have been doing this at my properties for 20+years with the most patience care and respect and people actually appreciate it. The feedback I have received over the years has been phenomenal even when they forget and I have to charge them I kindly remind them we had the discussion so it’s a mistake with a price tag. I don’t get as much resident interaction now but this honest respectful open resident communication from day one minute one is sorely lacking in the business right now.
Posted 1 year 10 months ago
Lesley Wilson
I love everything about this post!
Posted 1 year 10 months ago
Jessi Jess
Love it sharing with my team
Posted 1 year 10 months ago
Patti Scioneaux
Yes, yes, and yes!
Posted 1 year 10 months ago
I’ve created cheat sheets for residents. What days can I pay rent? What if I pay after that day? How do I pay my rent? How do I submit a maintenance request? What’s an emergency request? Are things really fixed in 24hrs? What if I decide to get a dog or a cat? What if I park my car not in a parking spot? What can’t I place on my patio? When do I tell you I am moving out? Or staying? How do I clean my floors, counters, bathtub?
Stupid shit that matters. Then I tape it to the inside of the cabinet door.
Posted 1 year 10 months ago
Mike Powers
I recently had a call with investment consultants. We discussed how good property mgt is a high touch high level of engagement. Well run properties are not operated by remote control from a distance.
Hands on high touch makes a difference.
Posted 1 year 10 months ago