Reply: Is your office team allowed to eat lunch in the office?

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Lunch??? I sometimes ask myself what that is..... Usually when I realize I am hungry and it is already 3 o'clock.....
Posted 12 years 2 months ago
I agree if everyone can have a place to go it is better for everyone and I hope everyine can take 5 minutes away from their desk to eat lunch, or, in some cases inhale their lunch.
Posted 12 years 2 months ago
Most of my sites and office locations have a "break room" or a designated area for breaks and lunch time. We don't allow our staff to eat at their desk or in front of residents. But we ensure they have a place they can take a break at.
Posted 12 years 2 months ago
Thanks for posting. Being so busy is often a double edge sword and I know many of us just have so much to do between the demands of the property and management. I always feel bad walking in on someone trying to eat lunch but if I just walk into a room shortly after someone has eaten but I didn't see anyone eating it seems bothers me more. Not sure why, maybe due the surprise of it.
Posted 12 years 2 months ago
Though my team snacks on the "resident/office" treats I ask that they do not eat at their desks or in the office. Not only do they need a mental break from working, I don't want my residents seeing anyone sitting at their desk eating. I feel it is unprofessional. :kiss:
Posted 12 years 2 months ago
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Shawna Donahue
I think eveyone is guilty of this, I mean in property management we are expected to do 12 hours of work in an 8 hour day, and often that 1 hour lunch break is unpaid, but we are working. If we eat in the office, as soon as we are done we spray some air freshner if the food left a smell in the office. We dont close for lunch, we stagger our lunches to be available to our residents, but we have a break room off the office area, so whomever is eating isnt bothered, I try to protect time off, its a mental health break. I take my lunch to sometimes just walk around the local mall, or walk my property, just to get up and walk around. The only thing I am dead set against is eating at your desk, it is so tacky, someone walks in and you have a mouth full of food and your half eaten sandwhich on your desk, so unprofessional. And when we dare to close and eat together our residents bang on the door and shake it, until we are sure the door will break, at whihc point we send a sacrifical maint guy out to tell them that the office is closed for a meeting and will reopen at whatever time is clearly posted on the front door.
Posted 12 years 2 months ago