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5 Steps to Managing Your Personal Reputation

5 Steps to Managing Your Personal Reputation

5 Steps to Managing Your Personal Reputation

I’m a Fixer.  That’s what I do.  I help organizations uncover what their employees and customers are feeling and I show them how easily things can be turned around, if needed.  In this day and age of social media, people who are unsatisfied have the ability to vent their frustrations to a global audience.  And they can do so anonymously.  No longer are conversations about poor service, indifference and disappointment only shared in person, these stories are now being told worldwide, and to anyone willing to listen.

Reputation management is mostly regarded as a business practice.  A simple online search of the term yields millions of articles and infographics offering tips on what can be done to repair the damage; there are even services for hire that will monitor, and in some claims, suppress negative information.  But what about managing your personal reputation?  Whether verbal or in thought, does the mere mention of your name create a positive or negative reaction?

“You know Mary?  I agree she is pretty awesome. “

“You know Mary?  Isn’t she horrible about returning phone calls?”

In the movie, “What’s Love Got To Do With It”, the only thing Tina Turner wanted to keep after her divorce to Ike Turner was her name.  Not the money, the houses or other material possessions…just her name.  She believed her name was all she’d ever need to regain the other things she was giving up.  Her name was synonymous with labels such as superstar, consummate professional and incredible talent, among others.  So the question becomes, if you had to start over today, could you open doors, effectively network and make things happen by your name alone?

I have never met a flawless human being in my entire life.  Quite frankly if I ever did, I would be highly skeptical of him/her.  No one is perfect – a few dings here and there are what make us approachable and the stories about those dings much more interesting.  It’s not about aspiring to a perfect reputation but rather fixing the dings.  Remember, I’m a Fixer.  That’s what I do.

Here are 5 things we all can do to manage our personal reputations:

1. Show up and show out.  I heard this phrase as a teenager and never forgot it.  Not only do we have to be present but we also have to give our best effort in all that we do.  Certain businesses are known for unparalleled service and have customers flocking to social media to applaud them for a job well done.  Keeping commitments, delivering on promises and going above and beyond drive our own reputations as they would for any organization. 

2. Lagniappe – something for nothing.  An American-French word, a lagniappe is a small gift merchants give with purchase.  For example, a customer buys a dozen roses and the florist includes one or two extra as a thank you; helping to create goodwill and customer loyalty.  Giving an extra hour of your time, volunteering to car pool the kids one extra day that week, or bringing a coworker their favorite spiced chai latte in the morning can help to build personal goodwill.

3. Recover gracefully.  As the imperfect human beings that we are, the occasional misstep is going to occur.  People don’t expect perfection but they do expect us to make things right.  Honesty is paramount when attempting to recover.  Accepting fault does not mean admitting defeat.  Forgot to return a call or email?  Missed a lunch date with a friend?  Arrived 10 minutes late to pick up your child?  Accept it, explain it and do your best to avoid it again the future.

4. Be generous with your time.  One characteristic that makes for an endearing person is generosity.  Putting the convenience of another before our own shows others how invaluable they are.  I have a friend who sends hand written “thinking of you” cards and calls regularly just to say hello.  She is a busy single mom with a full time job and I know there are probably better ways she could spend her time; yet she makes time for others consistently.  And those who know her love her for it.  I now find myself sending cards and calling others more to pass along those positive vibes.

5. Be generous with your praise.  A surefire way to get others to think of and see you in a positive light is to compliment others.  Not the generic “I love your shoes” type of compliment, but one that speaks to the person’s unique abilities.  Whether stated directly, “Thank you so much James, for offering to tackle that report.  I’m not as computer savvy as you – it would have taken me twice as long to get it done”, or indirectly “Hey, did you know that James knocked out that massive report in less than an hour?  He did an awesome job – I’m so lucky to have him on my team”, sincerely praising those around you demonstrates your capacity to recognize and appreciate others. 

Think of your moniker as a personal reputation FICO score.  Doors can open and close, opportunities can appear and vanish, people can smile or frown; all at the utterance of your name.  What are some things you’re doing to solidify your personal reputation?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

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Lia...really great article. Well done!

  Anne Sadovsky
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Thanks so much Anne, I really appreciate it!

  Lia Nichole Smith

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