Reply: Super Bowl Commercial -

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That's probably best - probably need to keep some level of class around here!
Posted 8 years 2 months ago
The feedback I heard is not something to be shared in a public forum.
Posted 8 years 2 months ago
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I couldn't agree with Gayle more. has been a nightmare with all the changes Costar has made. They forget who the customer is and what good customer service is. It's all about them as far as I am concerned. I get better service and results with other sources and am seriously considering pulling ads from Why pay for them when everyone and their brother are on there for free including rental houses. And what is funny is that everytime I complain or comment on something the customer service or rep would say 'Oh I never heard that before." That's a lie, there are many complaints out there, they just aren't listening.
Posted 8 years 2 months ago
You can't leave us hanging, Amy!
Posted 8 years 2 months ago
I have to agree that he creeps me out a bit, too. I thought the commercial was rather odd, but have felt that way about all of them to date...

When I see the HUGE investment into their marketing campaigns, I can't help but feel like I am paying too much for their services. I agree with Gayle; Maybe scale back the marketing and invest into making the site better. ;)

And I am very curious, Amy, about the "feedback" :0
Posted 8 years 2 months ago
Was there something else I missed?
Posted 8 years 2 months ago