Reply: We are not providing light bulbs to residents anymore. Any advice on what to say?

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We just tell them that we provide them for move in. They must provide during tenancy and they must be working when they move out. We will charge for them if not. We have it in our repair and replacement as well as the cleaning addendum. We have never had an issue.
Posted 5 years 7 months ago
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Hello Resident
What's in it for them? Explain the benefit of this change and turn it into positive public relations. For instance, does it help keep fees economical, reduce the reasons maintenance enters units, allows staff to focus on more important tasks, etc.

Consider easing into this transition by using your business status to purchase wholesale bulbs. You control the narrative better by making available to residents at cost as a temporary convenience. It's not a great time during the announcement to risk a nickel/dime scenario by making a small profit on bulbs.
Posted 5 years 8 months ago
Another possible thought is to reach out to the electric company in your area and see if they have a lighting program. Duke Energy/Progress Energy provided free LED light bulbs for all our apartment interiors (NOT common areas). We installed them but they were FREE! Perhaps there's a program like that in your area.
Posted 5 years 8 months ago
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Monica Lunderman
We provide at move in with LED lights and explain regular bulbs are tenant responsibility throughout the lease. We rent houses so we do still provide/replace safety lighting for front and back porches and flood lights. We also replace appliance bulbs since we provide appliances. Anything else, they buy themselves or we will purchase and install but charge them a fee. We do make any accommodations for any elderly or disabled residents and we'll install any/all. Good luck!
Posted 5 years 8 months ago
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Kathy Cobb
We charge a monthly maintenance fee and change them
Posted 5 years 8 months ago
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I like that Idea of a consumbles package,what else would you put in this package?
Posted 5 years 8 months ago