Reply: SERIOUS question. Why do people HATE market survey calls SO much.

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Posted 3 months 3 weeks ago
Interesting question, it is odd that people get so worked up about surveys. I personally don't mind doing surveys for anyone who's brave enough to ask me to do them, but I'm in sales so that's not surprising.

Here's my take on why people get so mad:

Quite often people get the wrong idea of what a survey is for, what purpose it serves. For those who get angry or mad, I think they think they are helping you do your job and they don't like that idea. They don't realize that surveys actually are a way to gather important information that otherwise would be next to impossible to obtain.

So that might be a way to approach asking for the surveys. Let the person know they are helping not only yourself, but other folks in the same position as themselves. It's almost a public service. Maybe that'll soften the blow a bit.

Just my thoughts.
Posted 3 years 5 months ago
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It’s very simple to understand why people hate receiving market survey calls
It’s for the same reason people hate receiving sales calls or calls asking you to donate to something.
In all of those cases the caller is making an assumption: That it is ok to imterrupt the person receiving the call,
and take “just a few minutes” of their time. This is a very rude assumption. it assumes that
1) whatever the person being called is doing is not important and can be interrupted.
2) their time is not valuable.

if you need some one to give you time and information,
please realize that your desire for the information does NOT obligate anyone
to give you their time or the information.
Your priority is NOT their priority.
If they are kind enough to give you their time, realize that they are doing you a favor.

Voice calls are the most disruptive amd annoyimg. Texts are nearly as bad.
Email is best, because allows the person to get to it when they have time (not when you have time to call them)
You will get a smaller percentage of replies to email requests. Some people will just delete the message and ignore you.
But, the responses you do get are likely to be less annoyed, and more useful.

in your email, try to explain (very brielfy) why you want the information,
and offer to share the results of your survey to anyone who contributes a response.

BTW, there is a setting on iphones to send calls from unrecognized numbers directly to voicemail.
I never get interrupted by unsolicited phone ringing when I’m sleeping, or any other time :-)
Posted 3 years 5 months ago
This is a great observation! You should check out this blog post:

The short of it--Market Survey Tools exist that take out the headache and anxiety of calling comps. Good market survey tools allow you and your comps to:

- Share data with the click of a button
- View reporting on all previous data
- Automate the process

This gives agents and regionals their Mondays back and removes the stress.
Posted 3 years 5 months ago
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Because they flyered every door on our property trying to poach residents. I happened to be walking a unit around 11 am and found the flyers so we saw and removed them quickly after they were put up. I was nice to that property before, and now I tell them that we won't release any data to them. I will share numbers with anyone but that property. We also faxed the flyer over to the other properties in the area so they would know to check their doors regularly.
Posted 3 years 5 months ago
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Sara Kern
For me it's not about giving information for the market survey so much as the companies who have their people pose as actual prospects. I spend about 10-15 minutes on the phone with actual prospects. Please don't waste my time when all you need is 30 seconds of information and I can give it to you in a way that I don't bore you with my "sales pitch". Very annoying!
Posted 3 years 5 months ago