Reply: Has anyone had issues with marijuana smokers, weed smell leeching into neighbors apartments?

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Yes! And its ruining my life, literally
Posted 3 days 19 hours ago
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It’s 2024, grow up.
Posted 2 weeks 2 days ago
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Jim Lahey
Really? For a smell? Could I do the same thing if my neighbor farted?
Posted 4 weeks 13 hours ago
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I'm like you, Karma. I can tell the instant they start smoking throat starts burning, I start coughing. And it stinks! I'm a Registered Nurse and subject to drug tests. I wonder if my clothes/hair might reek of this stuff. Scares me to death that I might lose my license over a neighbor smoking weed in a "smoke-free" complex. I've lived in this same apt for over 10 years and never had this issue until these new people moved in above me. Complained to mgt a couple of months ago, it stopped for a time, and now it's back.
Posted 2 months 4 days ago
Yes. Seeping marijuana has been a problem in my apartment complex. I didn't know that I have an allergic reaction to marijuana smoke until a smoking tenant moved in. I was awakened in my sleep to burning, watery eyes and a dry irritated throat. My bedroom was filled with the smell of weed. I send complaints to management and they send out notifications stating that the smell of "smoke" has been reported rather than naming the odor. It seems as if they are afraid to use the word "marijuana." It's very frustrating because violators are not being held responsible.
Posted 4 months 2 weeks ago
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It is but we use the Blue Moon (NAA) lease and there is an addendum that it’s still not permitted in our property. Even medical marijuana is not permitted.
Posted 6 months 4 days ago