Topic: Kudzu Bugs Invading Property

Sandy Martin's Avatar Topic Author
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The Kudzu Bug may be new to you, but I'm sure there are many of you who have had to deal with some insect descending on your properties causing havoc and resident concerns. Last fall, this little bug, who looks like a brownish/green Ladybug, decided to make my small 48-unit townhouse community their new home. They are attracted to white and love heat, so they cling to the white trim, doors and porches of my buildings. They crawl, fly and release a scent when touched that smells just like a Stink Bug. They get on your clothes, cars and in your hair. I have learned so much about them, I am thinking of blogging. They are new to the US and no pest control company in our area knows how to control them, so we are experimenting. They are all over their doors and a few fly off when the door is opened and get inside. We had to help one resident in the door yesterday because she was so "freaked-out" about the number of bugs on her door. My question is this. Could the residents break their lease because of the bugs? They are on the outside of the building. Has anyone had this bad of a problem with insects on the exterior where residents were constantly calling and complaining and some even wanted out of their lease? Could they claim their townhouse is unihabitable because they cannot get inside with the bugs on the door? They don't bite, just stink. We are thinking this could take months of treatments. We are also located next to about 5 acres of Kudzu Vine, which is their primary target. Don't want to "bug you" but, does anyone have any suggestions?
Posted 12 years 2 months ago
Mindy Sharp's Avatar
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Wow, Sandy! Do you live in Georgia? My apologies - I do not have any experience with these types of pests but my first thought is, Is it possible for your agricultural agents in the area to get rid of the Kudzu Vine by spraying relentlessly? I know in my little Kentucky area, the AG Department will assist with this kind of issue (especially since we have affiliations with the University of Kentucky.) As for residents being allowed out of their lease for this issue, I would say, likely not. After all, since you are aware (and horrified!) of the problem, you are probably caulking all the exteriors of the windows, doors and buildings and perhaps even having a professional exterminator treating the building exteriors, too, so what more can you do? After all, you didn't plant the vine and you certainly didn't invite them to the property. I am interested in others' thoughts on this as well. : )
Posted 12 years 2 months ago