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Carla J. Alicea 4 months ago This poll is ended Oct 31 2024 at 11:59 PM

How has your company's cell phone policy evolved for site-level and regional teams?

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Tudor Manole 9 months ago This poll is ended May 30 2024 at 12:26 PM

How much are you paying for multifamily software per unit/month (total)?

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Kara Rice 9 months ago This poll is ended May 28 2024 at 12:15 PM

Who is in charge of new hire onboarding for on-site team members?

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Stephanie Anderson 9 months ago This poll is ended May 13 2024 at 12:00 PM

Friends - I need your expertise. ‼️ Is it onsite or on-site when referring to property management? Hyphen or no hyphen? ???? Merriam Webster says on-site should be hyphenated. The Cambridge dictionary includes onsite (without the hyphen) and on-site (hyphenated), while the American Heritage dictionary only lists onsite (no hyphen).

Mark Tanguay It depends on if you are using it as a adjective, adverb, or prepositional phrase. I am doing on-site work. The work is an onsite task. I am working on site.
Khara House (Shoves her word nerd specs a little higher on her nose...)
On-site is the preferred use when being used as an adjective or adverb before a noun, as is off-site. On site or off site are preferred use after a noun or pronoun when used as a location phrase versus referring directly to the noun.
Onsite is accepted more these days in American English as hyphen use fades, but offsite is less accepted in the dehyphenization "movement."
Technically onsite or on-site are both correct, but on-site is still, for now, the preferred grammatical term.
Guest Insider Guess it's all about you audiences are the on -site or onsite?
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Nestor Carrillo 9 months ago This poll is ended May 10 2024 at 10:00 PM

If your property qualified for significant rebates on electric vehicle (EV) chargers, would you install them?

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Ellie Norton 11 months ago This poll is ended Apr 05 2024 at 05:30 PM

Collecting some supporting data and would love your support for this poll. Do you receive a cell phone allowance?

Megan Goodmundson $50 stipend/m
Guest Insider In a day and age where everyone has unlimited data and most companies have app based systems and phone apps I don’t see it is a need for reimbursements…IMO…
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Asheana Shakoor 11 months ago This poll is ended Apr 03 2024 at 04:25 PM

Hey all! Looking for some first hand knowledge of the industry standards in leasing agent pay. We’re trying to decide on a tier structure and/or keep a non tier structure for commission. Your info would greatly help! Looking for the Houston area with mostly B and C class properties! Thank you!

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Adrian C Danila 11 months ago This poll is ended Mar 30 2024 at 05:00 PM

What is the most significant challenge your company is facing in managing maintenance at property level? If your primary challenge isn't listed here, please feel free to share it in the comments below.

Guest Insider there is definitely an overall lack of skilled labor that all of the trades are struggling with; however, why our industry struggles to hire and retain maintenance professionals starts with resources and budgets.

Unfortunately, the actions of both property owners and management companies show they do not assign much, if any, value to those teams or their impact on property performance. So no extra money inbound soon.

- we remain transfixed on this 1/100 staffing ratio that for older assets has not worked for a most of my career
- little to no effort or investment is been made to allow the effective monitoring of the quality of work, (resident surveys upon completion don’t count) - what % of your WOs are callbacks? Do a 2 year look back and I bet you’ll be disappointed in what you find.
- quality of management, typically due to WO issues, consistently is one of the top 3 reasons a resident moves. Have we tried to fix it? No.

Does this mean we need to increase payroll? Not...
Show more
Guest Insider No need to look, we all already know staff reliability and retention is the biggest issue
Rodney Cobb In my experience it's was each of these equally.
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Bobbie Sauter 1 year ago This poll is ended Jan 22 2024 at 05:30 PM

When it comes to the acquisition or disposition of a property, how big of a challenge is it to transfer ownership of telecom and broadband services?

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Kara Rice 1 year ago This poll is ended Jan 15 2024 at 06:40 PM

What do you anticipate will be your greatest challenge(s) in 2024? Feel free to comment with other topics.

Kara Rice Thanks for weighing in! I'm always curious how others are feeling
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Lauren Niziol 2 years ago This poll is ended May 30 2023 at 11:00 AM

Does your company offer an EAP (Employee Assistance Program)? Today is the first day of #mentalhealthawarenessmonth! If your company offer this consider helping to spread the word to all employees that this is offered, inform or remind them what this benefit can CONFIDENTIALLY provide them! Post flyers in the break rooms , send emails/group texts, anyway to spread the word!

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Donje Putnam 2 years ago This poll is ended Apr 16 2023 at 04:05 PM

Imagine you were a resident: Which of the following seems like it would make the biggest impact on your impression of a property as "eco-friendly"?

Donje Putnam Did you see the question in the FB group about people running into their beautiful blue carports? I thought those would be great for solar, but I didn't know where the OP was.
Brent Williams Yes! Those carports were amazing, although I could understand his issue with getting hit by trucks all the time.
Jessica Pope It wouldn't let me vote for it, but I would have chosen composting and gardens. I've heard of a few communities doing community gardens and I absolutely love that concept. I also learned in today's SatisFacts' Ready, Set...Respond webinar that was actually on this topic, that composting mandates are coming and are a significant way to reduce environmental impact and conserve resources, so I think right now this is a big focus for showing you're eco-friendly.
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Lindsey Smith 2 years ago This poll is ended Mar 08 2023 at 10:20 AM

How confident are you in using your current CRM platform?

Lindsey Smith EXTRA CREDIT! Comment which CRM your property uses and what you love about it!
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Cayenne McPayne 2 years ago This poll is ended Feb 21 2023 at 03:54 PM

Interviewed a PM they found two abandoned kittens when they were evicting a drug slum. What do you think they should call them?

Felicia Norman Renewed and Retained
Brent Williams I think we absolutely need to see pictures! Pay the cat tax, Cayenne! ????
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Lindsey Smith 2 years ago This poll is ended Feb 04 2023 at 08:33 AM

How frequently do you communicate with your residents via SMS messaging?

Lindsey Smith EXTRA CREDIT! If you message your residents frequently, what kinds of updates are you sending? Resident event invitations? Review requests? Referral requests? Amenity reminders?
Lilah Poltz Removed
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